The AH-1117-9 GPS jammer ground control station helical antenna all bands GPS jammer antenna has 9 dBic gain, uses extended stubs to provide the greater gain while maintaining the wider beam-width and designed to provide wideband directional transmission/reception of radio signals from 1100-1700 MHz bands including GPS L1, GPS L2, GPS L3, GPS L4, GPS L5, GPS L6, IRIDIUM, GLONASS, and INMARSAT bands. This all GPS band low-profile GPS jammer antenna use Circular Polarization Antenna Technology - which delivers better penetration through obstruction and interference. This military grade all band GPS jammer ground control station helical antenna provides superior performance as compare to significantly larger and more expensive products. Our AH series GPS jammer ground control station helical antenna are smaller than conventional yagi antenna. The AH-1117-9 GPS bands Helical Antenna is supplied with a specially designed mounting arrangement for steering the antenna over 360 Degrees in Azimuth direction and 90 degrees in elevation. This GPS band helical antenna has very wide azimuth and elevation beamwidth.
The AH-1117-11 GPS jammer ground control station helical antenna all bands GPS jammer antenna has 11 dBic gain, uses extended stubs to provide the greater gain while maintaining the wider beam-width and designed to provide wideband directional transmission/reception of radio signals from 1100-1700 MHz bands including GPS L1, GPS L2, GPS L3, GPS L4, GPS L5, GPS L6, IRIDIUM, GLONASS, and INMARSAT bands. This all GPS band low-profile GPS jammer antenna use Circular Polarization Antenna Technology - which delivers better penetration through obstruction and interference. This military grade all band GPS jammer helical antenna provides superior performance as compare to significantly larger and more expensive products. Our AH series GPS bands jammer helical antennas are smaller than conventional yagi antenna. The AH-1117-11 GPS bands Helical Antenna is supplied with a specially designed mounting arrangement for steering the antenna over 360 Degrees in Azimuth direction and 90 degrees in elevation. This GPS band helical antenna has very wide azimuth and elevation beamwidth.
The AH-1117-13 GPS jammer ground control station helical antenna all bands high gain GPS jammer antenna has 13 dBic gain, uses extended stubs to provide the greater gain while maintaining the wider beam-width and designed to provide wideband directional transmission/reception of radio signals from 1100-1700 MHz bands including GPS L1, GPS L2, GPS L3, GPS L4, GPS L5, GPS L6, IRIDIUM, GLONASS, and INMARSAT bands. This all GPS band low-profile GPS jammer antenna use Circular Polarization Antenna Technology - which delivers better penetration through obstruction and interference. This military grade all band GPS jammer helical antenna provides superior performance as compare to significantly larger and more expensive products. Our AH series GPS bands jammer helical antennas are smaller than conventional yagi antenna. The AH-1117-13 GPS bands Helical Antenna is supplied with a specially designed mounting arrangement for steering the antenna over 360 Degrees in Azimuth direction and 90 degrees in elevation. This GPS band helical antenna has very wide azimuth and elevation beamwidth.
The AH-1117-16 high gain GPS jammer ground control station helical antenna has 16 dBic gain, uses extended stubs to provide the greater gain while maintaining the wider beam-width and designed to provide wideband directional transmission/reception of radio signals from 1100-1700 MHz bands including GPS L1, GPS L2, GPS L3, GPS L4, GPS L5, GPS L6, IRIDIUM, GLONASS, and INMARSAT bands. This all GPS band low-profile GPS jammer antenna use Circular Polarization Antenna Technology - which delivers better penetration through obstruction and interference. This military grade all band GPS jammer helical antenna provides superior performance as compare to significantly larger and more expensive products. Our AH series GPS bands jammer helical antennas are smaller than conventional yagi antenna. The AH-1117-16 GPS bands Helical Antenna is supplied with a specially designed mounting arrangement for steering the antenna over 360 Degrees in Azimuth direction and 90 degrees in elevation. This GPS band helical antenna has very wide azimuth and elevation beamwidth.
All the high gain GPS jammer ground control station circular polarized helical antenna are completely protected within a high-tech ruggedized radome which is made of high strength fiber glass encosure to ensure survivability in the worst environments conditions The heavy duty fiber glass enclosure has excellent transparency for RF signals and enough strength to withstand more than specified wind loads. Cylindrical enclosure is used for low wind loading and for minimal effect of ice formation on the high power broad band antenna operation as well as providing an aesthetically pleasing appearance. All the GPS band helical antenna are supplied with olive green MIL color finish. Other customized housing/radome color can also be supplied on request.
Antenna Experts QHA-1117 broadband GPS jammer ground control station omni quadrifilar helix antenna is rugged all weather model, enclosed in a ABS radome, uses high class copper alloy and does not require any field tuning or adjustments. The compact size of LHCP or RHCP omni-directional GPS band quadrifilar helix antenna allows easy handling, shipping and highly suitable for receiving, transmitting, scanning, monitoring, surveillance and jamming applications for GPS L1, GPS L2, GPS L3, GPS L4, GPS L5, GPS L6, IRIDIUM, GLONASS, and INMARSAT bands without having the requirement of multiple antennas. The GPS quadrifilar helix antenna is also highly suitable for Ground to Air communication/jamming application due to its wide elevation beamwidth with omni-directional properties. Antenna termination of GPS jammer quadrifilar helix antenna is fitted just below the NATO mounting flange for complete weather protection. Other type of mounting hardware / configuration can be supplied on request.
Antenna Experts QHA-1117 GPS jammer ground control station omni quadrifilar helix antenna is consisting of two (pair) vertical loop radiating elements at right angles to each other, twisted into a helix turns vertically and enclosed in ABS radome. The special "Teflon Dielectric Transmission Line" technique is used to handle high power handling capacity allowing smooth VSWR and typical 2dBi. gain over the entire 1100-1700 MHz. frequency band. The UV resistant ABS enclosure has excellent transparency for RF signals and enough strength to withstand specified wind loads. The stainless steel mounting hardware is supplied with the antenna. Cylindrical shell/enclosure is used for low wind loading and for minimal effect of ice formation on the antenna operation as well as providing an aesthetically pleasing appearance. Other mounting configuration can also be supplied on request.
Antenna Experts manufactured complete product portfolio of military grade GPS Band Ground Control Station Jammer Antenna Which includes Directional High Gain Helix Antennas and Omnidirectional Quadrifilar Helix Antenna for all GPS Bands. Only one GPS directional helical antenna can cover all the GPS band from L1 to L6 bands without having the requirement of multiple antenna from 1100-1700MHz bands. Similarly only one GPS omnidirectional quadrifilar helix antenna can cover all the GPS band from L1 to L6 bands without having the requirement of multiple antenna from 1.1GHz to 1.7GHz bands. Our QHA series GPS jammer antennas supplied with standard NATO 4 holes mounting flange for vehicle mounting application. Antenna Experts ground station GPS jammer helical antennas are supplied with mast mounting option and with flange mounting option for mounting on pan & tilt mechanism for elevation and azimuth tracking.
Antenna Experts manufactured military grade GPS jammer ground control station omni quadrifilar helix antenna as per MIL-STD810G for directional helical GPS jammer and omnidirectional quadrifilar helix jammer antenna.Antenna Experts offer GPS Band Helical Antenna GPS L1 Band Jammer Helical Antenna GPS l2 Band Jammer Helical Antenna GPS L3 Band Jammer Helical Antenna GPS L4 Band Jammer helical Antenna GPS L5 Band Jammer Helical Antenna GPS L6 Band Jammer Helical Antenna All Band GPS Jammer Helical Antenna. Antenna Experts also offered GPS Band Quadrifilar Helix Antenna GPS L1 Band Jammer Quadrifilar Helix Antenna GPS l2 Band Jammer Quadrifilar Quadrifilar Helix Antenna GPS L3 Band Jammer Quadrifilar Helix Antenna GPS L4 Band Jammer Quadrifilar Helix Antenna GPS L5 Band Jammer Quadrifilar Helix Antenna GPS L6 Band Jammer Quadrifilar Helix Antenna All Band GPS Jammer Quadrifilar Helix Antenna. Our high gain GPS jammer helical antennas and GPS omni Quardrifilar Helix Antennas are highly suitable for ground to air communication and jamming applications GPS Spoofing Antenna GPS Drone Spoofing antennas GPS UAV spoofing antenna application.
To know more about GPS antennas products datasheets and installation manuals, please refer to "High Gain Helical Antenna & Quadrifilar Helix Antenna" section of our website.