Antenna Experts an ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems (QMS) certified company manufactures Antennas System for SIGINT, EW, UAV, SCADA, TETRA, CNI, ATC, SATCOM, DME, RCIED Jamming, Surveillance, Broadcast, Radio Relay, Energy, Oil Field, Smart Grid and Agriculture applications World Highest Performance Wideband Antennas for 100% Connectivity & Reliability Our portfolio includes FTS antenna ILS antenna DME Antenna ADS-B Antenna dual polarized log periodic antenna, ultra wide band coaxial dipole, multi band antenna, aviation band antenna, fiberglass collinear antenna, HF broadband multi wire antenna, defense antenna, tactical radio relay antenna, HF broadband vertical conical monopole, marine band antenna, shipboard antenna, HF broadband dipole antenna, FM band antenna, ultra wide band discone antenna, terrestrial microwave antenna, DME antenna, transponder antenna, grid parabolic antenna, stacked dipole array, log periodic dipole array, directional yagi antenna, satellite tracking earth station antenna, jammer antenna, side mount dipole, LHCP RHCP helical antenna, circular polarized antenna, spiral antenna, dual stacked array, quad stacked array, broadband ground plane antenna and wide band vehicle mount antenna Antenna Experts an ISO/OHSAS 18001:2007 Safety Management Systems (SMS) certified company manufactures Antennas System for SIGINT, EW, UAV, SCADA, TETRA, CNI, ATC, ILS, FTS, ADS-B, SATCOM, DME, RCIED Jamming, Surveillance, Broadcast, Radio Relay, Energy, Oil Field, Smart Grid and Agriculture applications

Antenna Systems manufactured by Antenna Experts are in accordance with RoHS2, REACH and WEEE compliant
Antenna Experts an ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems (EMS) certified company manufactures Antennas System for SIGINT, EW, UAV, SCADA, TETRA, CNI, ATC, ILS, FTS, ADS-B, SATCOM, DME, RCIED Jamming, Surveillance, Broadcast, Radio Relay, Energy, Oil Field, Smart Grid and Agriculture applications
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Flight Termination Systems (FTS) Antenna
Flight Termination Systems (FTS) Antenna

Sl.#Antenna Model #Frequency BandAntenna TypeAntenna GainAntenna BandwidthRadiation Pattern Antenna Polarization Horizontal Beamwidth Vertical Beamwidth Antenna Impedance Radome MaterialsAntenna Termination
1.FTS-400-550-HL400-550MHzHelix12dBic400-550 MHzDirectional RHCP or LHCP40 Degrees40 Degrees50 OhmsFiberglassN-Female
2.FTS-370-500-QH370-500MHz.Circular Omni3dBic370-500MHzOmni RHCP or LHCP360 Degrees100 Degrees50 OhmsFiberglassN-Female
3.FTS-370-550-CD370-550MHz.Vertical Omni3dBi370-550MHzOmni Linear Vertical360 Degrees80 Degrees50 OhmsFiberglassN-Female

Please contact us for detailed datasheet in PDF format including image, VSWR curve & radiation patterns.

Antenna Experts has developed a robust portfolio of Flight Termination System Antenna (FTS antennas) designed to work in the harshest of environments and meet the most stringent of technical requirements. Designs range from omnidirectional, directional, sector with linear (V or H) and Circular (RHCP or LHCP) antennas meant for larger diameter launch vehicles to wraparound antennas purposed for smaller diameter missiles, sounding rockets, and other platforms.

Antenna Experts FTS Antenna (Flight Termination System) antennas, also known as command destruct antennas, can be used at various Air Force bases and missile ranges. Antenna Experts have several Flight Termination Systems (FTS) antenna options available including high gain, fixed beam, LHCP or RHCP polarized antennas.

The FTS-400-550-HL is a Flight Termination Systems directional circular polarized helix antenna with 12dBic gain. FTS-400-550-HL is a broadband antenna which is designed specifically for use as a command destruct antenna used in flight termination systems. This high-gain low-profile Flight Termination Systems antennas use Circular Polarization Antenna Technology - which delivers better penetration through obstruction and interference.

FTS Flight Termination Systems helical antenna is supplied with a specially designed mounting arrangement for steering the antenna in both planes, 360 degrees in Azimuth and 90 degrees in Elevation for terrestrial and satellite link. Both LHCP and RHCP models of Flight Termination Systems antenna are available. The part number for LHCP version is FTS-400-550-HL-LHCP and FTS-400-550-HL -RHCP is for RHCP version.

The FTS circular polarized Flight Termination Systems helical antenna is completely protected within a high-tech ruggedized radome which is made of high strength ABS enclosure to ensure survivability in the worst environments conditions The heavy duty fiber glass enclosure has excellent transparency for RF signals and enough strength to withstand more than specified wind loads. Cylindrical enclosure is used for low wind loading and for minimal effect of ice formation on the high power broad band Flight Termination Systems antenna operation as well as providing an aesthetically pleasing appearance. The antenna is supplied with olive green MIL color finish. Other customized housing/radome color can also be supplied on request.

The FTS-370-500-QH is a circular polarized omni-directional Flight Termination Systems antenna, broadband antenna which is designed specifically for use as a command destruct antenna used in flight termination systems. It provides hemispherical coverage above the horizon while minimizing its negative angle radiation.

FTS-370-500-QH is a broadband circular polarized horizontal omni-directional Flight Termination Systems antenna is rugged all weather model, enclosed in a fiber glass radome, uses high class copper alloy and does not require any field tuning or adjustments. The FTS-370-500-QH can be supplied either with standard pole/mast mounting hardware for fixed station application or NATO 4 holes flange for vehicular mounting application. Customized mounting hardware / configuration can be supplied on request with these FTS antenna. Similarly antenna with customized color can also be supplied on request.

FTS-370-500-QH is a Flight Termination Systems antenna uses special “Teflon Dielectric Transmission Line” technique to handle high power handling capacity allowing smooth VSWR and typical 3 dBi. gain over the entire specified frequency band (bandwidth). The fiberglass enclosure has excellent transparency for RF signals and enough strength to withstand specified wind loads. The stainless steel mounting hardware is supplied with the antenna. Cylindrical shell/enclosure is used for low wind loading and for minimal effect of ice formation on the antenna operation as well as providing an aesthetically pleasing appearance. Both LHCP and RHCP models of FTS antenna are available. The part number for LHCP version is FTS-370-500-QH-LHCP and FTS-370-500-QH -RHCP is for RHCP version.

FTS-370-550-CD is a broadband vertical polarized omni-directional FTS antenna is rugged all weather model, enclosed in a fiber glass radome, uses high class copper alloy and does not require any field tuning or adjustments. The FTS-370-550-CD can be supplied either with standard pole/mast mounting hardware for fixed station application or NATO 4 holes flange for vehicular mounting application. Customized mounting hardware / configuration can be supplied on request. Similarly Flight Termination Systems antenna with customized color can also be supplied on request.

FTS-370-550-CD FTS antenna uses special “Teflon Dielectric Transmission Line” technique to handle high power handling capacity allowing smooth VSWR and typical 3 dBi. gain over the entire specified frequency band (beamwidth). The fiberglass enclosure has excellent transparency for RF signals and enough strength to withstand specified wind loads. The stainless steel mounting hardware is supplied with the Flight Termination Systems antenna. Cylindrical shell/enclosure is used for low wind loading and for minimal effect of ice formation on the antenna operation as well as providing an aesthetically pleasing appearance. Both LHCP and RHCP models of FTS antenna are available. The part number for LHCP version is FTS-370-500-QH-LHCP and FTS-370-500-QH -RHCP is for RHCP version.

These FTS series FTS antennas are often qualified as a system to cut down on testing costs, and they are routinely qualified to the very strict standards. Out FTS series antenna is designed to handle input power of 1500 watts.

Our FTS series Flight Termination Systems antenna design provides maximum life cycle over a broad temperature range in the most extreme environments including salt, sand, and radial ice. Antenna Experts provides customizable Flight Termination Systems antenna configurations that can be purchased in alternate frequency bands with various power handling options to meet customer specifications.

High Gain TETRA Antenna
Manpack Jammer Antenna
FTS Antenna
ILS Antenna
Dual Polarized LP Antenna
RCIED Jammer Antenna
Log Periodic Dipole Antenna
Fiber Glass Collinear Antenna
Quadrifilar Helix Antenna
Grid Parabolic Antenna
High Gain Helical Antenna
Tactical Radio Relay Antenna
High Gain ATC Antenna
Wide Band Discone Antenna
Vehicular Mount Antenna
Coaxial Dipole Antenna
Military Log Periodic Antenna
High Gain DME Antenna
UAV Anti Drone Antenna
Military Discone Antenna
SATCOM Antenna
Naval Shipboard Antenna
ADS-B Antenna
High Gain Marine Antenna
Cavity Backed Spiral Antenna
High Gain Horn Antenna
Signal Intelligence Antenna
Surveillance Antenna
Electronic Warfare Antenna
Ground To Air Antenna
Military Tactical Antenna
FM Broadcast Antenna
Stacked Dipole Array
HF Band Dipole Antenna
Multi Band Antenna
Glide Path/Slope Antenna
HF Vertical Conical Antenna
High Gain Yagi Antenna
Dual Stacked Yagi Antenna
Quad Stacked Yagi Antenna
Circular Polarized Yagi Antenna
Dual Stacked Circular Yagi
Quad Stacked Circular Yagi
Side Mount Dipole
Ground Plane Antenna
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