Antenna Experts offer a wide range of military standard high gain high power tactical log periodic antenna and high power high gain base station log periodic antennas covering the HF, VHF, UHF and microwave frequency bands for defense/military monitoring, scanning, receiving, signal intelligence, jamming and transmitting applications. Apart from the list appeared in our website, we are experts to develop antenna with any frequency band. The LP series ranges of log periodic dipole array are high gain array that provides strong performance over the operating frequency range of 10 MHz to 9000 MHz. as the log periodic dipole array does not use loading technique to reduce the overall size of array. The complete antenna is supplied with powder coating finish to protect it further for severe weather. The Log Periodic Dipole Array operates at D.C. ground with low resistance discharge path for protection against lightning and for immunity to noise and are compatible with MIL-STD-810F.
Antenna Experts high gain high power log periodic dipole antenna use 6063T6 ultra corrosion resistant architectural anodized aluminum alloy and designed to provide wideband directional transmission/reception of radio signals from 10-9000 MHz bands. All the log periodic antennas are supplied with powder coating to protect it further from severe environmental conditions. The extra spacers are used between the support booms to improve mechanical durability of tactical log periodic antenna. The specially designed mounting arrangement results in fast installation. The tactical LP antenna can be assembled in less than 10 minutes. These tactical log periodic dipole antenna systems are particular suitable for transmission, reception, monitoring, scanning and jamming applications due to its broad band design feature, small size and high power handling capacity. The tactical log periodic antenna manufactured by Antenna experts uses loading technique to reduce the overall size of array making these highly suitable for mobile and tactical applications. All the LP antenna has foldable elements, similarly the support boom of antenna is supplied in two sections for easy of shipping/carrying/transportation and handling. All elements are supplied in two segments for easy of shipping and handling. The elements are attached via a fast deployment self-locking device at points along the boom.
All the log periodic antenna manufactured by Antenna experts operates at D.C. ground with low resistance discharge path for protection against lightning and immunity to noise. All the screws, nuts and bolts of tactical log periodic dipole antenna are made of type 316 marine grade stainless steel. The LP series LPD Antennas features high power handing capabilities, high efficiency, low VSWR and robust mechanical design to accommodate the most extreme environments condition. The military and intelligence communities face a difficult challenge - the need to monitor communications over a very wide frequency range without being detected. Present electronic surveillance systems employ multiple antennas that are either large or noisy. Antenna Experts antenna systems provides passive antennas in compact, versatile form factors that provide extreme wideband performance for surveillance application, signal intelligence SIGINT application and electronic warfare EW applications.
The LP-80-2000 log periodic dipole antenna manufactured by Antenna experts use 6063T6 ultra corrosion resistant architectural anodized aluminum alloy and designed to provide wideband directional transmission/reception of radio signals from 80-2000 MHz bands. The specially designed mounting arrangement results in fast installation. The extra spacers are used between the support booms to improve mechanical durability of antenna. This log periodic dipole antenna system is particular suitable for transmission, reception, monitoring, surveillance, scanning and jamming applications due to its broad band design feature. This high gain LPA provides strong performance over the entire frequency of 80-2000 MHz as the LPDA does not use loading technique to reduce the overall size of array. The high gain log periodic antenna can be assembled in less than 5 minutes by 2 technicians.
The LP-20-3000L tactical log periodic dipole antenna is small size log periodic antenna and designed to provide wideband directional transmission/reception of radio signals from 20-3000 MHz bands. The compact size of tactical log periodic antenna is supplied with powder coating to protect it further from severe environmental conditions. The specially designed mounting arrangement results in fast installation. The compact size tactical LP antenna can be assembled in less than 10 minutes. This compact size tactical log periodic dipole antenna system is particular suitable for transmission, reception, monitoring application, surveillance application, signal intelligence application, electronic warfare application scanning application and jamming application due to its broad band design feature, small size and high power handling capacity. This compact size tactical log periodic antenna uses loading technique to reduce the overall size of array. The shipping length of antenna is 6 feet making it highly suitable for mobile and tactical applications.
he LP-400-6000 log periodic dipole antenna log periodic dipole antenna sealed inside fiberglass housing/radome, uses 6063T6 ultra corrosion resistant architectural anodized aluminum alloy is designed to provide wideband directional radio signals from 400 to 6000 MHz frequency band. The extra spacers are used between the support booms to improve mechanical durability of antenna. The mounting bracket is welded at the back end of the dual booms of log periodic antenna which permits to change the polarization from horizontal to vertical and vice-versa. This log periodic dipole antenna system is particular suitable for transmission, reception or monitoring and jamming application due to its broadband design feature and small size. This log periodic antenna provides strong performance over the entire band. Log periodic antenna does not use loading technique to reduce the overall size of array.
The LP-1000-6000 high performance log periodic dipole antenna is complately sealed inside the fiberglass radome, uses ultra corrosion resistant architectural anodized aluminium alloy with welded elements. The complete antenna is supplied with powder coating finish to protect it further from severe environment conditions. The LP-1000-6000 log periodic dipole antenna is designed to provide wideband directional transmission/reception of radio signals from 1000 to 6000MHz bands. The extra spacers are used between the support booms to improve mechanical durability of antenna. This high power high gain log periodic dipole antenna provides strong performance over the entire frequency of 1000-6000MHz as the LPDA does not use loading technique to reduce the overall size of array. Powder coating of the complete log periodic antenna provides extra protection against corrosion in saline weather present in coastal areas.
The LPDS-200-500 is a set of two log periodic antennas stacked in horizontal (side-by-side) configuration with vertical polarization. The LPDS-200-500 dual stacked log periodic dipole antenna use 6063T6 ultra corrosion resistant architectural anodized aluminum alloy and designed to provide wideband directional transmission/reception of radio signals from 200-500 MHz bands. The specially designed mounting arrangement results in fast installation. The extra spacers are used between the support booms to improve mechanical durability of log periodic antenna. The antenna can be assembled in less than 10 minutes. This dual stacked log periodic dipole antenna system is particular suitable for transmission, reception, monitoring, scanning and jamming applications due to its broad band design feature. The dual stacked log periodic antenna provides typical 14 dBi gain over the 200-500MHz frequency band as the LPDA does not use loading technique to reduce the overall size of array hence provides the strong performance as compare to the loaded antenna or active antenna.
The LP-100-3000 tactical log periodic dipole antenna supplied with fiber glass radome, uses ultra corrosion resistant architectural anodized aluminum alloy and designed to provide wideband directional transmission/reception of radio signals from 100-3000 MHz bands. The complete tactical log periodic antenna is supplied with powder coating to protect it further from severe environmental conditions. The extra spacers are used between the support booms to improve mechanical durability of tactical log periodic antenna. The specially designed mounting arrangement results in fast installation. The tactical LP antenna can be assembled in less than 5 minutes. This tactical log periodic dipole antenna system is particular suitable for transmission, reception, monitoring, scanning and jamming applications due to its broad band design feature, and small size.
Please refer to our "HF Broadband Dipole Antenna" section and "Log Periodic Dipole Antenna" section for more details on HF VHF UHF log periodic dipole antenna antenna products datasheets and installation manual. Also you can ask us for detailed datasheets of these log periodic dipole antnnas in pdf format including pictures, VSWR curves and radiation patterns.