Antenna Experts offer High Gain Fiberglass TETRA Collinear Omni Antenna, TETRA Marine Fiberglass Collinear Antenna, TETRA Stacked Dipole Array and TETRA Marine Yagi Antennas for 380-400MHz tetra antenna, 410-430MHz tetra antenna, 380-420MHz tetra antenna, 450-470MHz tetra antenna and 806-870MHz tetra antenna with Unity, 3dBi, 3dBd, 6.8dBi, 6dBd, 9dBi, 9dBd, 10dBd, 12dBi and 12dBd gain tetra omni antennas.
The AC series Omni directional TETRA fibreglass collinear antennas are rugged all weather models, sealed in a fiberglass tube, having excellent transparency for RF signals and enough strength to withstand specified wind loads. These glass fibre collinear antenna has been specifically designed to maintain stable vertical radiation pattern characteristics at the extremities of the tuned bandwidth. This ensures reciprocity of transmit and receive signal characteristics of our fiber glass collinear antennas.
The AC12 series tetra high gain fiber glass collinear antennas having a gain of 10dBd or 12dBi are two piece antenna designed for applications where the overall length of tetra band fiberglass collinear antennas for this series create transportation/logistic issues. The tetra antenna employs a machined brass coupling to ensure long-term integrity over the entire service life of the antenna. All of our AC12 series high gain tetra collinear antenna are supplied with stainless steel side mounting hardware consisting of 2 sets of 4.5 feet long lower support arms, upper support arm and 9 sets of cross-over mounting brackets.
The SD series heavy duty tetra stacked dipole array features, wide bandwidth, high gain, high power handling capacity, low VSWR, low noise performance and null filling coverage with omni directional characteristics which are highly suitable for TETRA and SCADA applications. Our SD series ultra high performance TETRA stacked dipole array are designed for use with highly populated radio sites requiring long haul omni-directional coverage. The SD series antenna are heavy duty tatra band stacked dipole array features, wide bandwidth, high gain, high power handling capacity, low VSWR, low noise performance and null filling coverage with omni-directional characteristics.
TETRA log periodic antenna have been constructed in high quality 6063T6 ultra corrosion resistant architectural anodized aluminum alloys to prevent corrosion. Powder coating of the complete TETRA band log periodic antenna provides extra protection against corrosion in saline weather present in coastal areas. Our LP series log periodic antennas are designed to provide constant high gain gain over the specified tetra band. The tetra band log periodic dipole antenna system is particular suitable for transmission, reception, monitoring, scanning and jamming applications due to its broad band design feature.
Antenna Experts specialized in designing and manufacturing of V-Polarized tetra antenna, H-Polarized tetra antenna & X-Polarized tetra antennas for TETRA/TETRAPOL Antenna, CDMA 450 antenna, GSM 450 antenna, CDMA 800 antenna, GSM 800 antenna, CDMA 850 antenna and GSM 850 antenna are the result of the consequent continuing development on the basis of the long experience with TETRA technology. Antenna Experts manufacture TETRA Band Marine Antennas, TETRA Marine Band Fiberglass Collinear Antennas, Stacked Dipole Array and TETRA Marine Band Yagi Antennas for 380-400 MHz, 410-430 MHz, 380-420 MHz, 450-470 MHz and 806-870 MHz with Unity, 3 dBi, 3dBd, 6.8dBi, 6dBd, 9 dBi, 9dBd, 10dBd, 12 dBi and 12dBd gain tetra omni antenna.
High gain fiber glass TETRA collinear antennas are available in broadband version, to cover the full frequency range of 380 - 512 MHz. The reliability of our specially designed V-Polarized tetra antennas has been proven for more than a decade. Fibreglass Collinear TETRA antenna radome of 45 mm are made of an exceptionally stiff fiberglass tube, which results in a maximum tip deflection of 3° with a 3 m long tube at wind velocities up to 180 km/h. Our fiber glass collinear tetra antennas uses multiple vertical radiating elements, stacked vertically, fed in-phase to increase the gain of omni antennas.
A rugged and durable UHF TETRA Collinear antenna housed inside a high-strength, glass fiber shroud and includes an stainless steel mounting clamp allowing easy installation on poles or horizontal rails. Produced to the highest quality standards, these robust UHF TETRA collinear antenna designs will ensure reliable operation in harsh environmental conditions. Omni-directional TETRA Antennas are available with options include 7/16 DIN-Female connectors for high power handling together with TEFLON dielectric coaxial cable which provide an IMP-rated product.
A range of heavy-duty TETRA Collinear Antenna with high gain to super high gain tetra omni antenna are designed for use in TETRA networks. TETRA Collinear Antennas in this range are carefully designed to minimize low passive inter-modulation products to help reduce network interference. These omni-directional TETRA antennas are housed inside a high-strength fiberglass enclosure and manufactured to the highest quality standard ensuring long term reliable operation.
Our SD series heavy-duty array of two/four/eight centre-fed dipole antennas with molded phasing harness spread/mounted on an aluminum boom designed for TETRA network applications. TETRA Stacked Dipole Antennas in this range are carefully designed to minimize low passive inter-modulation products to help reduce network interference. Produced to the highest quality standards, these robust tetra stacked dipole antenna designs will ensure reliable operation in harsh environmental conditions. Our TETRA stacked dipole array uses multiple vertical radiating elements, stacked vertically, fed in-phase to increase the gain of omni antennas.
Our AY series tetra Yagi antennas offer a wide frequency band 380-430MHz, 410-470MHz and 806-870MHz) tetra antenna for Trunked Radio TETRA applications. Our TETRA Antenna Produced to the highest quality standards, these robust antenna designs will ensure reliable operation in harsh environmental conditions. Low IMP-rated of tetra yagi models provide consistently lower noise floor over the life of the antenna, essential for multi carrier transmission. Antenna Experts TETRA Yagi antenna design reflects innovative modern antenna construction. The unique design of the TETRA yagi antenna feed which works as matching device to keep the VSWR low resulting in increased efficiency of the yagi antenna. For higher gain requirement, the TETRA band yagi antennas can be supplied in DUAL stacked or QUAD stacked arrays.
The AH series antennas are circular polarized helical antenna which uses extended stubs to provide the greater gain while maintaining the wider beam-width. This high-gain low-profile antennas use Circular Polarization Antenna Technology - which delivers better penetration through obstruction and interference. AH-405 helical antenna is a commercial grade antenna which provides superior performance over entire 380-430MHz band. Both Right Hand Circular Polarized (RHCP) and Left Hand Circular Polarized (LHCP) helical antenna models are available. The AH-405 Helical Antenna is light weight, broadband and rugged helical antennas, supplied with fiberglass radome to protect the antenna from environment. Cylindrical enclosure is used for low wind loading and for minimal effect of ice formation on the helical antenna operation as well as providing an aesthetically pleasing appearance.
All of our TETRA antennas are marine variant. These tetra antennas are housed either in fiber glass radome or in ABS radome. Both are extremely rigid and highly transparent to the RF signals. The radiating elements of TETRA Marine band antennas are made of Brass and phasing systems are of Copper. Support pipe is made of 6063T6 ultra corrosion resistant architectural anodized aluminum alloy. Mounting hardware is made of type 316 marine grade stainless steel. All these features make these antennas highly suitable for marine environment.
Please refer to our "TETRA Band Antenna" section for more details on high gain tetra omni antenna and tetra yagi antenna products datasheets and installation manual. Also you can ask us for detailed datasheets of these tetra antnnas in pdf format including pictures, VSWR curves and radiation patterns.