Antenna Experts an ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems (QMS) certified company manufactures Antennas System for SIGINT, EW, UAV, SCADA, TETRA, CNI, ATC, SATCOM, DME, RCIED Jamming, Surveillance, Broadcast, Radio Relay, Energy, Oil Field, Smart Grid and Agriculture applications World Highest Performance Wideband Antennas for 100% Connectivity & Reliability Our portfolio includes FTS antenna ILS antenna DME Antenna ADS-B Antenna dual polarized log periodic antenna, ultra wide band coaxial dipole, multi band antenna, aviation band antenna, fiberglass collinear antenna, HF broadband multi wire antenna, defense antenna, tactical radio relay antenna, HF broadband vertical conical monopole, marine band antenna, shipboard antenna, HF broadband dipole antenna, FM band antenna, ultra wide band discone antenna, terrestrial microwave antenna, DME antenna, transponder antenna, grid parabolic antenna, stacked dipole array, log periodic dipole array, directional yagi antenna, satellite tracking earth station antenna, jammer antenna, side mount dipole, LHCP RHCP helical antenna, circular polarized antenna, spiral antenna, dual stacked array, quad stacked array, broadband ground plane antenna and wide band vehicle mount antenna Antenna Experts an ISO/OHSAS 18001:2007 Safety Management Systems (SMS) certified company manufactures Antennas System for SIGINT, EW, UAV, SCADA, TETRA, CNI, ATC, ILS, FTS, ADS-B, SATCOM, DME, RCIED Jamming, Surveillance, Broadcast, Radio Relay, Energy, Oil Field, Smart Grid and Agriculture applications

Antenna Systems manufactured by Antenna Experts are in accordance with RoHS2, REACH and WEEE compliant
Antenna Experts an ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems (EMS) certified company manufactures Antennas System for SIGINT, EW, UAV, SCADA, TETRA, CNI, ATC, ILS, FTS, ADS-B, SATCOM, DME, RCIED Jamming, Surveillance, Broadcast, Radio Relay, Energy, Oil Field, Smart Grid and Agriculture applications
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Home » VHF UHF High Gain Yagi Antenna

VHF UHF High Gain Yagi Antenna

 VHF UHF High Gain Yagi Antenna

Antenna Experts manufacture yagi antenna for 75MHz, 118-137MHz, 150MHz, 350MHz, 450MHz, 550MHz, 650MHz, 700MHz, Lower 700MHz band, 850MHz, 1450MHz, 1850MHz and 2450MHz frequency bands. Our VHF Yagi antenna, UHF Yagi Antenna and Microwave Yagi Antenna design reflects innovative modern antenna construction. The mounting hardware of VHF UHF Yagi antenna is made of type 316 marine grade stainless steel. Antenna Experts also manufactures yagi with reflector for digital TV gap-filler application for 470-860 MHz frequency band.

Special mounting hardware permit to mount the vhf uhf yagi antenna either Horizontal or Vertical polarization. These Yagi Antenna are highly directional, comes factory tuned and does not require any field adjustment. The feed point radiator of yagi antenna is enclosed in a Nylon housing designed to protect against severe environmental conditions and minimize pattern distortion.

Antenna Experts AY-128 aviation band yagi antenna is supplied with N termination fixed on the driven element. This directional yagi antenna, comes factory tuned and does not require any field adjustment. The aviation band yagi antenna is highly suitable as base station antennas for ATC sites where longer communication range is required to cover the particular sector like long strip or Gulf to control the inbound and outbound Oceanic traffic.

Antenna Experts manufactures YR series of yagi antennas for wireless digital TV gap-filler application. The YR-575 yagi with reflector is highly suitable for vertical polarized power repeater application and low-power horizontal polarized digital TV gap-filler application from channel 27-40 frequency 518-630MHz band. Wireless digital TV gap-filler (Re-emitter) provides effective solutions for blind zones and shadowy zones. Yagi with reflector is mainly used in expressways, railways, tunnels, country sides, homes, multi-stories buildings and elevators.

The unique design of Antenna Experts yagi antenna feed which works as matching device to keep the VSWR low resulting in increased efficiency of the yagi with reflector. The mounting hardware supplied facilitates mounting on either vertical or horizontal members. The grid reflector supplied in two segments for easy of shipping and handling. The yagi with reflector is highly suitable where high front to back ratio and high side lobe suppression are required.

Radiating elements and grid reflector members of YR series Antenna Experts yagi’s are permanently welded to the support boom making it highly rigid and to withstand the high wind load. The complete YR-575 yagi antenna with reflector have been constructed in high quality 6063T6 ultra corrosion resistant architectural anodized aluminum alloys to prevent corrosion.

Antenna Experts AY-550 and AY-650 yagi antennas are highly suitable for technical requirements for Remote Rural Broadband Systems (RRBS) operating in the bands 512-608 MHz and 614-698 MHz (TV channels 21 to 51). For higher gain these antennas can supplied with trough reflector to increase the front to back ratio and minimize the side lobes. The trough reflector is supplied in two segments for easy of shipping and handling and can be assembled in less than 2 minutes with simple hand tools.

Antenna Experts yagi antenna with reflector uses special feed which eliminates the use of folded dipole. The Yagi antenna with reflector is supplied with N termination fixed on the driven element. The grid reflector increases the front to back ratio and reduced the side lobe level. This directional yagi antenna comes factory tuned and does not require any field adjustment. The small surface area on the yagi antenna minimizes wind resistance and conserves tower loading capacity.

Radiating elements, supporting booms and adjoining metal castings of Yagi antenna have been constructed in 6063T6 ultra corrosion resistant architectural anodized aluminium alloys to prevent corrosion. Our VHF UHF Yagi antenna is supplied with powder coating finish to protect the yagi antenna further from severe environmental conditions.

The VHF Yagi antennas when packed, comes with elements removed from the antenna boom for ease of packing and transportation where as the UHF Yagi Antennas comes in pre-assembled design with permanently fixed elements in to the support boom. The antenna is supplied with olive green MIL color finish. Other customized housing/radome color can also be supplied on request

Antenna Experts Yagi antenna design reflects innovative modern antenna construction. The unique design of the yagi antenna feed which works as matching device to keep the VSWR low resulting in increased efficiency of the yagi antenna. Cylindrical radome enclosure is used in microwave yagi antenna for low wind loading and for minimal effect of ice formation on the high power broad band antenna operation as well as providing an aesthetically pleasing appearance

Antenna Experts Microwave Yagi antenna is completely protected within a high-tech ruggedized radome which is made of high strength fiber glass encosure to ensure survivability in the worst environments conditions. The heavy duty fiber glass enclosure has excellent transparency for RF signals and enough strength to withstand more than specified wind loads.

Sl.# Antenna Model # Frequency Band Antenna Gain Antenna Bandwidth VSWR Radiation Pattern Antenna Polarization Horizontal Beamwidth Vertical Beamwidth Antenna Impedance Antenna Termination
1. AY-75 66-88MHz. 10dBi 10MHz 1.5:1 Directional Linear V or H 65 Degrees 55 Degrees 50 Ohms N-Female
2. AY-128 118-137 MHz. 11dBi 118-137MHz 2:1 Directional Linear V or H 65 Degrees 55 Degrees 50 Ohms N-Female
3. AY-150 134-174MHz. 12 dBi 10MHz 1.5:1 Directional Linear V or H 60 Degrees 50 Degrees 50 Ohms N-Female
4. AY-250 220-290MHz. 13 dBi 20MHz 1.5:1 Directional Linear V or H 55 Degrees 45 Degrees 50 Ohms N-Female
5. AY-350 300-400MHz. 13 dBi 30MHz 1.5:1 Directional Linear V or H 55 Degrees 45 Degrees 50 Ohms N-Female
6. AY-450 406-512MHz. 13 dBi 35MHz 1.5:1 Directional Linear V or H 55 Degrees 45 Degrees 50 Ohms N-Female
7. AY-550 512-608MHz. 13 dBi 512-608MHz 2:1 Directional Linear V or H 55 Degrees 45 Degrees 50 Ohms N-Female
8. YR-575 518-630MHz. 13 dBi 518-630MHz 2:1 Directional Linear V or H 55 Degrees 45 Degrees 50 Ohms N-Female
9. AY-650 614-698MHz. 13 dBi 614-698MHz 2:1 Directional Linear V or H 55 Degrees 45 Degrees 50 Ohms N-Female
10. AY-850 700-1000MHz. 13 dBi 100MHz 1.5:1 Directional Linear V or H 55 Degrees 45 Degrees 50 Ohms N-Female
11. AY-850 700-1000MHz. 13 dBi 100MHz 1.5:1 Directional Linear V or H 55 Degrees 45 Degrees 50 Ohms N-Female
12. AY-1450 1300-1600MHz. 13 dBi 150MHz 1.5:1 Directional Linear V or H 55 Degrees 45 Degrees 50 Ohms N-Female
13. AY-1850 1700-1900MHz. 13 dBi 200MHz 1.5:1 Directional Linear V or H 55 Degrees 45 Degrees 50 Ohms N-Female
14. AY-2150 2100-2200MHz. 13 dBi 100MHz 1.5:1 Directional Linear V or H 55 Degrees 45 Degrees 50 Ohms N-Female
15. AY-2450 2300-2600MHz. 13 dBi 200MHz 1.5:1 Directional Linear V or H 55 Degrees 45 Degrees 50 Ohms N-Female

To know more about our yagi antennas products datasheets and installation manuals, please visit "Directional Yagi Antenna" section of our website or alternatively you can request us more detailed datasheet in PDF format including VSWR curve and radiation patterns.

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